
Table Mountain Cape Town Version: Same name but so different!

Table Mountain offers a 4-minute cable-way option to the top To receive auto-notifications on new posts, click  here . Contact SoulBoosters  here . Until mid-2023, I had only been to Table Mountain in Kenya. More info on my Table Mountain Kenyan version experience is here . In July 2023, I got to experience first-hand Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa - such a magnificent sight that surrounds the city.  Table Mountain's magnificent view as seen from Waterfront area of Cape Town Unlike the Kenyan Table Mountain version, it's accessible to not only hikers but also people from all walks of life, given the cable-way 4-minute option to get to the top. There is also a wheel-chair accessible path at the top as well as restrooms and a restaurant, quite a touristic experience! While I am more accustomed to basic and old-school hiking, I found it a refreshingly elegant and time-saving way to see the must-see signature mark of the town. You see, hiking on foot to and fro takes 8 h

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