
Are you speaking to or about your mountain? A fallen hiking hero's tip that forever lives on

This post has been read   To receive auto-notifications on new posts, click  here . Contact SoulBoosters  here . A vividly human spot (be on the lookout for it while on the Rurimeria trail), as if checking "are you speaking to or about me''😀 This has been a tough post to write, and it's taken long to gather my thoughts. You see, Paul Muchene , who was my  close hiking friend, passed away two weeks ago, on 6th August 2022, from a tragic fall off a cliff while hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro. This time, he was using the most difficult route on Africa's highest mountain, the Arrow Glacier route, just metres away from the summit. To add salt to the injury, he had already climbed the same mountain twice before (albeit using other 'easier' routes) and he passed away just three days shy of his 42nd birthday...I guess he'd hoped to mark his birthday in a unique way.  While he met his death while on a solo hiking mission with his own guide and porter support team (rat

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