
Are early morning hikes a challenge? Tips from a hiker in a traffic-heavy area

This post has been read  To receive auto-notifications on new posts, click  here . Contact SoulBoosters  here . Is making it for early morning hikes standing in the way of  keeping up with  a  regular hiking schedule... and  ... experiencing unique moments? A friend was recently keen to get to start hiking more  regularly, but their  practical  challenge was how to make it to Nairobi Central  Business District (CBD)  by 5am or even 6am, given that they live along Mombasa  Road (while only about  20km from Nairobi CBD, this area is known for its  notorious traffic, which is  worsened given there’s currently also ongoing road  construction, making  travelling on that route a pain for most). I told my  distressed friend ''No worries -  I understand you - I have another friend, Njambi  Wainaina, living along Mombasa  Road too - she impresses us with making it for  the 4.30am hikes even earlier  than  most of us...I always tell Njambi when I have  another friend coming from  her rou

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